Ministarstvo financija RH :: Bulletin

graphic design :: newsletter design :: bulletin design

We designed newsletters for the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Croatia.

Bulletin design for Croatian Ministry of Finance (Ministarstvo financija Republike Hrvatske). Simple and clear design for the look of this newsletter. The picture shows four bulletins laid out on a flat surface. The covers are in green, light blue, blue and pink.
Bulletin design for Croatian Ministry of Finance (Ministarstvo financija Republike Hrvatske).

What is a newsletter or bulletin?

Exact definition taken from enciklopedija.h Exact definition taken from je:

bulletin (french bulletin: report, certificate < Italian bolletino, from bolla: bula).

1. Brief report for the public; announcement, report.

2. Occasional serial publication; is published on occasion or at certain time intervals, compiled as a short report or statement of governmental, social or other organizations or institutions (reports of the stock exchange, ministries, electoral or military headquarters, medical councils, scientific institutions and reports on epidemics, natural disasters, earthquakes, floods and similar.). A bulletin is also an occasional publication of general informative, sometimes literary, artistic significance (monthly, semi-monthly, weekly, etc.). In librarian profession, a regular or occasional publication with a bibliographic list of newly acquired titles of any type of material in the library is called a newsletter.

The design of the newsletter should be simple, clear and modern. Since newsletters often contain many graphic elements such as graphs, tables, etc. care should be taken that they are made clearly, and that they do not take over the overall design. A good balance between graphic elements, photos and texts is extremely important for such publications.

Scroll through all the newsletters on the website of theMinistry of Finance of the Republic of Croatia:

Bulletin No. 9

Bulletin No. 10

Bulletin No. 11

Bulletin No. 12

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Zale Design Studio