Kolači Gospodarski list :: Visual Identity
graphic design :: visual identity :: logo design

Logo design for “Kolači”
We created a visual identity for the company Gospodarski list, that is, for their sub-brand “Kolači“, which includes publishing a cookbook with the finest homemade cakes. Cakes come in many flavors, colors and sizes, so our logo, which represents them, came in many colors. Specifically in 6 characteristic colors. As the logo icon, we used the letter O, which represents an already bitten cookie. This cheerful logo is the ideal representative of this delicious cookbook and all cakes.
Do you like this visual identity? See our other works from the logo category.
Visual identity is a visual representation of a company or a product, and is communicated through the use of color, fonts, shapes and images. In layman’s terms, it is the design, or appearance of your brand. From logos, promotional materials, websites, mobile applications and other advertising media to vehicles wrap design, shop window design and more.
Two terms are often confused, visual and brand identity. While visual identity is limited only to the appearance of the company, i.e. how the company presents itself visually, brand identity is a broader term. Visual identity is part of the brand identity, which, in addition to the design aspect, takes care of the overall impression that the brand leaves. Including public relations, all marketing activities and more.
Visual identity is part of graphic design, while brand identity is part of marketing.
There are a few key things to think about when developing a strong visual identity:
1. How do you want to be perceived? Do you want to appear elegant and expensive? Maybe playful and cheerful? Or serious and professional?
2. What feeling do you want to evoke? Want to inspire confidence? Security? Or playfulness?
3. How can you stand out from the competition? What colors does the competition use? What design style do they use? Fonts? If you want to stand out from the competition, you have to research them well so that you don’t unknowingly copy them. Also, you want to stand out in the crowd and not be the same as everyone else.
The visual identity should be an extension of the company’s values, mission and goals.
Characteristic colors for the Kolači logo
What does the visual identity contain?
There are several key elements that make up a strong visual identity:
1. Logo: this is often the first thing people see and should be simple, memorable and represent the overall brand. The logo is the “face” of the company. This is what the company is known for. It is its trademark. The logo is created by graphic designers specialized in this type of design.
2. Typography: The fonts you use should be consistent across all marketing materials and convey the feeling you want the brand to communicate. Flat and simple fonts exude sophistication and are easy to read. Decorative fonts give the impression of sophistication or playfulness, depending on the type of font.
Typography is extremely important and should be given special attention.
3. Colors: The colors you use should be carefully chosen to reflect the mood and feeling you want to evoke. It has been known for a long time that colors have a strong influence on us. They can attract our attention, relax us and help us concentrate. Also, colors leave a certain impression. Royal blue color, for example, gives an impression of sophistication. As well as deep purple which is known as the royal color. Choosing a color can create the impression you want to convey about your product or brand faster and better than any other design element.
4. Images: The photos and graphics you use should be of high quality and support the message you are trying to convey. A picture is worth a thousand words, so it can convey a thousand messages in a simple and fast way.
Developing a strong visual identity is an important part of building a successful brand. Visual elements should be carefully considered and executed well in order to effectively communicate who you are to your target audience.
Do you want to make a logo with us? Contact us at the email address or via the contact form.
You can view our other works in the portfolio.
If you want to know more about graphic design, feel free to take a look at our blog, where you will find many interesting articles, one of which is about visual identity.
Zale Design Studio